Clearance "BLOWOUT" Special parts


Occasionally we re-organize and inventory our warehouse. We often find we have parts which we are overstocked on, or have been discontinued by the manufacturer, don't sell as much volume as our predictions, have been returned by a customer, are considered "blems," or (for a number of other reasons) we have decided to put on clearance. "Blems" are items which have nicks, dings, scratches, light rust, small dimensional inaccuracies or other correctable issues. These parts may need some attention before use, or they may not look like 100% brand new, but they're a great way to save some cash. We offer these products at a very, very deeply discounted price, usually significantly less than we have paid from the manufacturer. In this case, our loss is your gain! However, once they're gone, they're gone forever. The quantities available at these prices are usually very, very small.

ATTN: Many times only a portion of our inventory of a certain item is set aside to be sold at a clearanced price. You must inform your salesman of the clearance price when ordering, otherwise the part will come up normally priced in our system. NO RETURNS OR WARRANTIES on clearance items or blems. Except for some items listed at the bottom of this page, clearance items CANNOT be ordered from our online store, you must call and talk to a salesperson.



Misc: Items

Pictures below are representations of these items, not actual pictures of the items themselves unless specifically noted in the description.

This page changes weekly or daily as we sell items and post new items. To ensure you are viewing the newest version of this page, make sure you refresh the page by holding down the "control" button and then pressing the "F5" key if you are using a windows PC.

Some clearance items are now available for purchase through our web store, scroll down to the bottom of this page to order

Stealth Cylinder head - Assembled - Needs 2 seats replaced - $299


Clearance Item #520:



All website content copyright 440 Source.

(775) 883-2590